come back

to the

courant institute


nyu's reunion weekend

Design, Model, Simulate: Courant Institute Technology Tour

Friday, April 16, 2004
1:00 - 5:00 PM, Open House
Location: 719 Broadway, 12th Floor and 251 Mercer Street, 1st Floor

Courant is becoming THE place for computer animation and graphics research. Come and see the creative activity of the Media Research Lab/Center for Advanced Technology and Applied Math Lab, where students and faculty create state of the art computer animation, motion capture software, and study phenomena from insect flight to continental drift.

As a preview, see the work of Professor Ken Perlin on the Whitney Museum's page,, and try clicking on the mini-pages to see interactive art like, "A Dance in Orange." Plus, see the work of Professor Chris Bregler who is Chair of the Electronic Arts Theater at this year's SIGGRAPH Festival for Computer Animation.

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences: Luncheon and Discussion

Saturday, April 17, 2004
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Location: Warren Weaver Hall, 251 Mercer Street, 13th floor lounge

In 1934, Richard Courant emigrated from Germany and joined NYU to Form The Graduate Center for Mathematics. He brought to the Center a belief in the unity between mathematics and its applications, a sharp eye for outstanding mathematical talent, and an emphasis on overlap of faculty research interests. Richard Courant's legacy still lives at the Institute where mathematics and computer science are viewed as living parts of a stream of science, not as isolated specialties, and the Courant Institute plays an active, interdisciplinary role at the University.

Visit us for lunch and a presentation on the history of Courant, featuring distinguished faculty speakers. Participate in a discussion of hot topics and hear about Courant's new academic initiatives, including the Computation in the Sciences.

*Cost for luncheon is $25 per person, reservations required.