Name: Mark Edelman

Address: 6629 Broadway, Apt. 4D,

Riverdale, N.Y. 10471

Home phone: (718)796-2739


Fax: (212) 995-4121

Office phone: (212) 998-3180



1991 Ph.D. in Astrophysics

Title of thesis: Accretion shock waves in AM Her objects and cloud-cloud collisions,

Odessa University, Odessa, USSR

1975 M.S. Degree in Physics and Computer Science, Rostov State University




1995-present    Research Scientist, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York


                         Research in nonlinear dynamics that includes:

1.       Description of different dynamical systems (fractal media, systems of long               

range interacting oscillators, etc.) by fractional differential equations and numerical solution of such equations;

2.       Numerical experiments in chaos. Topology of the phase space of dynamical                        

systems and its effect on transport and equilibrium properties. Anomalous  diffusion in mathematical billiards and plasmas. Numerical solution of fractional differential equations, data analysis, underwater acoustics, and pseudochaotic transport in tokamak plasma.

3.       Computer work includes:

a.       Use of parallel systems for performing massive computation. Codes are written in C and C++ and MPI is employed for parallelization;

b.       Software design includes codes written in Visual C++ for the analysis of the dynamical system;

c.       Design of the interactive educational on-line programs.


4     Courses taught at NYU: lecture course “Elementary Statistics” (spring 2006) and recitation on “Quantum Mechanics” (fall 2006).  .   


2002-present    Adjunct professor, Yeshiva University.

                         Courses taught: “Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics”, “Quantum   

                         Mechanics”, introductory course “Physical Universe” (each semester for the last   

                         four years).


2004                Adjunct professor, Cooper Union. Teaching advanced course “Statistical Physics”.



1993-1995      Visiting Scientist, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York       


                       Linear and nonlinear stability of MHD shock waves and its effect on the variability             

                       of radiation from binary stars.


1994-1995      Instructor, Bramson Ort Technical Institute. Courses taught: “Business Statistics”.

                         "Quantitative analysis", “Business Mathematics”


1994                Adjunct professor, Polytechnic University. Course “Astronomy and astrophysics”.


1989-92           Lecturer at the Rostov Planetarium, Rostov, Russia. Responsibilities included  

                        lecturing and managing the planetarium's 20 cm telescope.


1980-90           Senior Research Scientist and Adjunct professor, Rostov Pedagogical Institute.

                        1. As a leader of a small group of researchers took part in the creation of a  

                        catalogue of 400,000 stars in cooperation with Pulkovo Observatory;

                        2. Teaching “Astronomy” for undergraduate students.

                        3. Corrugation instability of radiative shocks and its role in AM Her objects and  

                        supernova remnants.

                        4. Radio-wave diffraction on a conductor with a multilayer dielectric cover.


1976-80          Research Scientist, Rostov State University, Russia.

                      1. Thermal evolution of gas with primeval chemical composition (the contraction of  

                      protogalaxies, cloud-cloud collisions and star formation in early galaxies).

                     2. Anomalous resistance in the Earth's ionosphere.




1992        The American Astronomical Society Grant awarded for the investigation of the stability of oblique MHD shock waves.

Member of the American Physical Society. Referee for the “Physical Review”.                                                 




2006                 NYU: lecture course: "Elementary Statistics", recitation: “Quantum mechanics”.


2002-present   Yeshiva University:   lecture courses "Physical Universe", "Thermodynamics and 

                        Statistical Physics", "Quantum Mechanics".


2004                Cooper Union: lecture course: "Statistical Physics" for senior undergraduates.


1994-95          Bramson Ort Technical Institute: lecture courses: "Business Statistics",

                       "Quantitative analysis", “Business Mathematics”.


1994              Polytechnic University: lecture course: "Astronomy and Astrophysics".


1989-92        Lecturer at the Rostov Planetarium, Rostov, Russia.

1980-90        Rostov Pedagogical Institute, Rostov, USSR: lecture course: "General Astronomy",

                      laboratory courses: "General Astronomy" and "General Astrophysics", course  

                      "Essential Computer Programming" for staff.