%% typed May 30, 2000 \documentclass[12pt,leqno]{article} \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} \oddsidemargin 0in %0.5in \topmargin 0in \textheight 9in \textwidth 6.5in %6in \headheight 0in \headsep 0in \footskip 0.5in \begin{document} \section*{Equation With Left And Right Tags} As a special effect, you may occasionally want a displayed equation to have a tag both on the left and on the right of the equation line, as in the two following examples: $$ \Longrightarrow \setbox0=\hbox{$\Longrightarrow$}\kern-\wd0 \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} g(x)=\int_a^b dx\, \frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} \llap{\em a difficult integral} $$ $$ \Longrightarrow \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} g(x)=\int_a^b dx\, \frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} \mbox{\em a difficult integral} $$ \bigskip \noindent The first example, with the equation centered on the line, is product by \begin{verbatim} $$ \Longrightarrow \setbox0=\hbox{$\Longrightarrow$}\kern-\wd0 \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} g(x)=\int_a^b dx\, \frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} \llap{\em a difficult integral} $$ \end{verbatim} \bigskip \noindent The second example, with the equation centered between the tags, is product by \begin{verbatim} $$ \Longrightarrow \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} g(x)=\int_a^b dx\, \frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \hspace{.5\columnwidth minus .5\columnwidth} \mbox{\em a difficult integral} $$ \end{verbatim} \end{document}