\documentclass[12pt]{letter} %% More options: twoside, legalpaper, a4paper... %%%%% NYU letter style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage{nyultrhd} \usepackage{amssymb} %%%%%% Letter Size Setup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \addtolength{\textwidth}{1cm} %% For longer or shorter text width \addtolength{\topmargin}{.5cm} %% For more or less top margin \addtolength{\textheight}{3cm} %% For longer or shorter textheight \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-.5cm} %% For odd side margin (twoside) %% or margin (oneside) % \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-1.5cm} %% For even side margin (twoside) \setlength{\headsep}{-2cm} \newcommand{\h}{\hspace{.45in}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\Id}{\mathrm{Id}} %%%%% More information about the sender %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Use \address for \location if NYU header is not needed. %%%%%%%%%%%%% \location{Professor X\\ \smallskip Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences\\ 251 Mercer Street\\New York, NY 10012--1185\\ \vspace{.2cm} {\setbox9=\hbox{Tel. }\setbox8=\hbox{Fax}\dimen0=\wd9\advance\dimen0by -\wd8 \sevrm \baselineskip=6pt Tel. (212) 998--3192 \\ Fax\hskip \dimen0(212) 995--4121 \\ Telex 235128 NYU UR \\ Internet: profx@cims.nyu.edu}} %%%%%% The Signature and Date %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \signature{Professor X} \date{\vskip 4cm September 9, 1996} \begin{document} \begin{letter}{Professor H. M.\\ Department of Mathematics\\ The University of Arizona\\ Building \#89\\ 617 N.~Santa Rita\\ P.O.~Box 210089\\ Tucson, AZ~~85721} \opening{Dear Professor M:} \h I'm answering quickly since I'll be away for 2 weeks. \h Of course you should promote J. Q. to Associate Professor with tenure. Since his first rate Ph.D.\ thesis, which appeared as 4 papers, he's been going like a house afire. He is a truly talented mathematician: great ideas and terrific technical power. \h His Ph.D.\ thesis, here, was exceptional. It studied travelling front solutions in inhomogeneous media. While he was working on it, B. and I were also working on a problem involving travelling waves in combustion theory. So I knew him well then---he struck me as already a mature mathematician. He studied travelling waves for $$ u_t = \partial_{x_i} (a_{ij}(x) \, u_{x_j}) + b_i(x) \,u_{x_i} + f(u) \quad \hbox{ in }\;\RR^n\ ; $$ the coefficients are periodic in each variable and $\{a_{ij}(x)\}$ a matrix close to the identity matrix. B. and I considered only the identity matrix but we treated a problem in a cylinder. His thesis has many beautiful arguments. In a later paper he showed that if $a_{ij}(x)$ is positive definite but not close to $\Id$ then travelling wave solutions need not exist. In several other papers he studied the stability of travelling waves for certain classes of functions $f$ if the initial values of $u$, at time $t=0$, are close to the travelling wave one. Some problems give rise to certain degenerate equations, and the degeneracy is handled very cleverly---as in papers 7 and 11. In paper 11, for other $f$, Jack involves the Lax--Oleinik entropy condition from shock wave theory---a striking paper. All his papers involve hard technical estimates---he is a master. All these papers are fundamental. You ask about intellectual independence and leadership, Jack is simply at the forefront of the field. He is well-known internationally and has been invited to speak at many conferences. \h It's very interesting that Jack's work has become increasingly applied. He can talk with engineers, construct \emph{good} model equations for their problems and then use \emph{powerful} mathematics to analyse them. Few people have these combination of talents. \h Paper 15 studies a thermal diffusion combustion system. Under conditions on the initial data, as $t\longrightarrow \infty$, the solution converges to a self similar one for a reduced system. Hard estimates are derived, which play an essential role. Paper 16 takes up a problem for lasers in an optical ring cavity. The system of equations, due to Maxwell and Bloch, is a very interesting one: hyperbolicity and dispersivity both occur---quite new to me. Again there are lots of hard estimates. \h Paper 17 goes again in a quite new direction. It studies viscous shocks for the Burgers equation under random perturbations. It's an extremely interesting paper, and I believe the ideas will play an important role in future work. 18 is a terrific paper. Paper 19 is also a striking piece of work. A number of people have studied this problem and 19 goes far beyond earlier results. The estimate $O$ (log log $t$) for the $L^\infty$ norm of one component in the system is most interesting. \h Jack's work is simply first class and covers more and more directions. He is also a very clear speaker, a most conscientious teacher and responsible member of the faculty. He has a very warm outgoing personality and interacts wonderfully with others---as is evident from his extensive list of collaborators. I would be very happy to have him as a tenured colleague at Courant. \h I recommend his promotion and tenure in the strongest way. %%%%%%% The Closing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \closing{Sincerely yours,} %%%%%% More vertical space can be added here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\vspace{.5cm} \end{letter}\end{document}